Practicum for Agroindustry Product Analysis Course, TIP Study Program Gives Practicum in Various Ways of Product Analysis

The Agroindustrial Technology Study Program (TIP) of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University provided assistance and practicum for the Agroindustrial Product Analysis Course on Wednesday, 27th April 2022 at the Process Engineering and Quality Control Laboratory at the Agrocomplex Building FTP Unud.


The Lecturer for practicum activities for this course is Dr. Ir. Ni Made Wartini, M.P., Dr. Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, M.P,. Ph.D., I.G.A Lani Triani, S.TP., M.Sc. and Ir. Amna Hartiati, M.P.


The practicum carried out for the agro-industry product analysis course includes various methods of agro-industry product analysis, including: determination of water content, determination of ash content, determination of protein content, determination of vitamin C and total acid levels, determination of fat content and determination of total carotene content. However, before the practicum is carried out, students are given practical assistance to distribute practicum groups to students, inform them about practicum materials, practicum schedules and procedures for making practicum reports. In addition, it also explained the rules that must be obeyed by students while doing practicum in the laboratory such as Time Discipline, Use of Laboratory Coats and Obey health protocols.


Through this practicum, students are expected to be able to carry out and understand the various stages of agro-industry product analysis tests that have been taught.